Hiring a tax fraud defense attorney is a must if you want to save yourself time and money in the long run. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a massive bureaucracy, and representing yourself against the government can be a mistake. While the vast majority of tax fraud cases end in conviction, about 25 percent of investigations do not reach court. A tax fraud defense attorney can turn the tables on the IRS by investigating the facts and working with the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Unit. Click here for more details.
Once you hire a tax fraud defense attorney, you will need to work with them to review your federal tax filings, as well as your business and personal financial records. Once you show that you paid all your federal tax obligations, the investigation should end there. It is critical to show that the underpayment was not willful. Otherwise, it will take much longer for a successful defense. If you are convicted of federal tax fraud, hiring a tax fraud defense attorney is your best bet.
A tax fraud attorney can uncover overlooked expenses and deductions and use that as leverage against the IRS. Your freshly prepared returns can also be used as a bargaining chip when speaking with the IRS. The IRS uses computer software to trigger audits. Only 1.11% of all taxpayers are audited each year. Hiring a good tax fraud defense attorney can help you avoid jail time and criminal penalties. In 2013, a John Doe summons helped the IRS obtain information that could have saved your life.
When it comes to defending your tax case, you need an experienced lawyer with experience. If you have been arrested for tax fraud, an attorney can guide you through the process, explain your rights and possible defenses, and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. Hiring a good tax fraud defense attorney is essential to help you avoid prison time. A tax lawyer will be your best bet in avoiding the consequences of criminal tax evasion.
Even if you didn’t break the law, avoiding taxes is never a simple task. In addition to penalties and fines, you also face jail time if you fail to follow the law. Tax fraud defense attorneys can help you navigate the legal process and make it as easy as possible for you to pay. If you’ve already made mistakes, hire a Tax Fraud Defense attorney to make sure your case is heard.
If you’re accused of tax fraud, your lawyer will arrange for professional audits of your financial records. They will examine your tax documents and your records to determine whether you have deliberately withheld information or manufactured deductions and exemptions. In most cases, if your accountant’s report shows that you have been using incorrect financial information, your lawyer will determine whether it was intentional or not. And if there’s evidence of tax reduction, you’ll be much more likely to get a conviction.