If you are a parent who is dealing with a custody dispute in Phoenix, Arizona, it is best to seek the advice of a child custody attorney. They can help you come to an agreement that will keep the best interests of your children in mind. These attorneys can also help you handle the legal aspects of the case and fight for you in court.
A Phoenix Arizona child custody law firm can guide you through the entire process. During the process, they can provide you with information on common issues, explain how the law affects you, and help you draft documents that will protect your rights. The lawyer will then work to ensure the court rules in your favor and that your case will end in a positive way.
Child custody in Phoenix can be difficult to navigate. Whether you have an unmarried or married couple, it is important to come up with an agreement that can be agreed upon by both parties. This will provide you with the peace of mind that you need. Your lawyer will be with you every step of the way.
You should first decide what kind of child custody you want. For example, do you want joint custody or sole custody? Usually, the best result is joint custody. Joint custody means that each parent has equal access to their children. Often, this is referred to as “alternating custody.”
There are two types of child custody in Arizona: physical custody and legal custody. Choosing the type you need can make a big difference in your child’s future. So, you will need to make some decisions about your child’s upbringing and schooling. Using an experienced Phoenix Arizona child custody attorney will ensure that you get the outcome you need.
In the event that your child has a legal or physical emergency, such as mental health issues, substance abuse, or domestic violence, you may have to file an emergency petition for custody. In these situations, you will need to present evidence to the court. Getting the order approved can take a few months.
Once you’ve filed for custody, you can begin to work on a parenting plan. This includes the amount of time that each parent has to spend with their child. It can also include where the children will live and who will be responsible for making decisions. After the plan is in place, the lawyers will start to negotiate with the other party. Typically, these negotiations take place after mediation.
Child custody in Phoenix is a complicated and emotionally charged issue. Whether you are dealing with an unmarried or married couple, you will need the guidance of a Phoenix child custody attorney. The lawyer will work with you and your partner to make sure you are protected and that your rights are honored. Click here to contact the best child custody attorney in Arizona.
During the divorce process, you may need to file a temporary order for child custody. A temporary order addresses who will make decisions during the course of the divorce. Temporary orders are often issued to minimize the disruption to the child’s life.